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Ayurvedic Remedies for Infertility in Women

Conceiving a baby is very sacred for a woman. When a woman cannot conceive a baby, it hurts her not only physically but mentally too. With the current society conundrum, infertility also affects the couple’s social life as well. 

With this frustration, the demand for female sexual enhancement products is at its zenith. That is where Ayurveda plays an important role. Here in this post, I will give you natural Ayurvedic remedies for infertility in women. If you are too searching for Ayurvedic medicine for infertility, then you are in the right place. 

Let’s get you started, 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Infertility in Women

Eat cool foods

Spicy food can affect the quality of Shukra dhatu and lower the quality and quantity of both sperm and ovum. This is because Shukra dhatu requires a cool environment to promote fertility. Hence, eat food that is easy to digest and which has a cooling effect on the body. Men can benefit from foods like asparagus, dates and almonds, while foods like quinoa and pineapples can help a woman conceive easily. 

Shirodhara therapy

Shirodhara involves the movement of liquid over the forehead rhythmically at specific points. This stimulates the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands and aids in the secretion of hormones including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). When it comes to women, FSH stimulates the ovarian follicles into releasing an egg without which it would be impossible to conceive a child. 

Fight stress

One of the effects of stress is reduced libido. Prolonged exposure to stress is often a significant factor that contributes to infertility. When it comes to women, stress makes a woman ovulate less regularly. In men, stress can affect sperm production and affect testosterone levels. To fight stress, try deep breathing exercises like anlom vilom or keep a little time aside each morning for a walk or light exercise. 

In The End

These simple tricks can help you with your problem of infertility. If you want a more targeted solution for your problem, then you can go for 100% Ayurvedic product, Divya Urja Kit. The Divya Urja price is not very high; it is reasonable and affordable. The brownie point of this kit is that it is highly effective in all kind of sex-related problems.


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